Participation at PASC 23 Conference
Date: June 2023

Location: Davos

Symposium on Exascale Readiness of CoE Codes:

Marta Garcia-Gasulla from the Department of Computer Science of BSC is organizing a symposium at the conference. The symposium will focus on the “exascale readiness of CoE codes” and will feature presentations on the work done in PerMedCoE.

Presentation on PhysiCell in PerMedCoE:

Our paper on the work we have done on PhysiCell in PerMedCoE was accepted for presentation at the conference. Marc Clascà presented this paper in a 30-minute session at the main conference. The presentation provided a comprehensive performance analysis and multiscale agent-based cellular simulation optimization, sharing the lessons learned and best practices when developing parallel HPC codes for efficient and highly performant applications.

The presentation titled “Lessons Learned from a Performance Analysis and Optimization of a Multiscale Cellular Simulation” took place on Monday, June 26 from 12:00 – 12:30 CEST at the Schwarzhorn location. The work presented not only achieved a speedup of 2.4x by the optimized version with respect to the original PhysiCell code but also shared valuable lessons and best practices for developing parallel HPC codes to obtain efficient and highly performant applications, especially in the computational biology field.

You can find more details about the presentation and the conference here. The full paper is available here.

Marc Clascà shared his thoughts on the work:

“The outcome of this work is not only the speedup achieved for PhysiCell, but also the lessons learned on better performance for applications in the scope of PerMedCoE and beyond. We encourage the developers to take these recommendations into account for more performant codes.”

Marc Clascà during his presentation at PASC23 in Davos

Please note that the slides from the presentation are also available upon request.