PerMedCoE at ISMB-ECCB 2023: Advancing Personalized Medicine

Lyon, France

July 23-27, 2023

Track: Education COSI: Computational Biology Education

PerMedCoe will be presented in the Technology Track which allows organizations to showcase their software and/or hardware relevant to the bioinformatics / molecular biology community. Presentations will be made by Jose Carbonell “PerMedCoE: A roadmap to scalability in Personalized Medicine”

Room: Salle Rhone 3

26th July at 17:00h

Presentation: The PerMedCoE Training Programme: Building Capacity in Personalised Medicine

PerMedCoE’s representative will deliver a 15-minute talk, followed by a 5-minute question and answer session. This will be a fantastic opportunity to learn about the latest advancements in personalized medicine and high-performance computing (HPC), as well as the integral role of the PerMedCoE’s unique training programme in shaping this rapidly evolving field.

Our presentation will delve into the details of the PerMedCoE training programme, outlining our vision to build capacity in personalised medicine through education and collaboration. We’re eager to engage with the broader community at ISMB/ECCB 2023 and contribute to the ongoing dialogue around computational biology education.

Room: Salle Rhone 1

26th July at 11:10h The PerMedCoE training programme: building capacity in personalised medicineation

Poster Presentations:

PhysiCell-X: A Multiscale Modelling Framework for Digital Twins

We’re also pleased to present our poster, “PhysiCell-X: A Multiscale Modelling Framework for Digital Twins.” This showcases our latest research into multiscale modelling, a crucial aspect of developing accurate digital twins for personalized medicine.

The poster presentation is the collective work of our esteemed team: Thaleia Ntiniakou, Gaurav Saxena, Miguel Ponce-de-León, Jose Carbonell-Caballero, José Estragués, David Vicente-Dorca, Alfonso Valencia, and Arnau Montagud.

The PerMedCoE training programme: building capacity in personalised medicine

Showcasing the competency-based training programme that focuses on user needs to enable them to run large scale cell-level simulations in HPC environments.

The PerMedCoE training programme targets consortium partners to increase capacity in tool development, and external users to facilitate the adoption of these tools. A combination of formats such as webinars, online and face-to-face courses allows us to reach a wide audience, including software developers and biomedical researchers.

The PerMedCoE training programme has been well received with positive feedback after the events and people returning to subsequent activities. This contributes to the creation of a community around the project and to expand the use of cell-level simulation tools, which facilitates the development of computational personalised medicine.

The PerMedCoE booth

PerMedCoE will have a booth at the conference for the duration of the event. Join us at ISMB/ECCB 2023 to learn more about the future of personalized medicine and the significant strides being made by the PerMedCoE. This is a must-attend event for anyone interested in the exciting intersection of HPC and personalized medicine.

We hope to see you there!

Stay tuned for more details!