In the pursuit of promoting diversity and equality, PerMedCoE is pleased to have sponsored grants for women and unerrepresented scientists. This strategic initiative was designed to amplify voices and perspectives, enriching the event landscape with greater inclusivity and representation.

We’ve asked EMBO workshop grant recipients about their expectations for the workshop and if they were met. Delve into their comprehensive interviews to learn more about their backgrounds and experiences.
Overall, the three main reasons for joining the workshop:
- To gain insights into advanced modelling techniques: Participants seek knowledge from pioneers in the interdisciplinary field, anticipating insights into advanced modelling techniques.
- To share work and establish connections: Participants aim to share their work with peers, receive feedback, and establish connections for potential collaborations, fostering networking opportunities.
- Professional development and learning: Attendees expect professional development through sharing progress, participating in mentoring sessions, and acquiring essential skills and insights. The workshop provides a valuable opportunity for learning, networking, and staying updated on the latest developments in diverse fields of bioinformatics and computational modelling.

The workshop exceeded expectations for participants in various dimensions. The picturesque seaside resort setting added a memorable aspect to the experience. Attendees connected with other researchers, sparking discussions for potential collaborations, and expanding their knowledge. The workshop covered a spectrum of thematic areas, from multi-omics to bio-simulations, and included a career session introducing successful individuals in academia and industry. The diverse topics, numerous presentations, and networking opportunities significantly contributed to professional growth and inspiration for further improvements in their respective fields.
“These interactions are proving instrumental in enhancing the quality of my thesis, both in terms of content and its defense.”
Sai Bhavani Gottumukkala
“It was enlightening to delve into the latest advancements in molecular biology and the emerging field of digital twins.”
Yufan Liu
The event coordination team was very satisfied to read opinions on gender balance and equality which were consistently positive. Participants expressed gratitude for the organizers’ efforts in maintaining commendable gender balance throughout the workshop. The balanced representation of women among both speakers and attendees, and curation of a diverse panel of speakers, ensuring equal representation fostered an inclusive environment contributed to a safe and collaborative atmosphere, enriching the quality and depth of discussions. Overall, the opinions reflect a positive perception of the workshop’s dedication to gender balance and equality.
“The workshop demonstrated commendable efforts in achieving gender balance, evident in the diverse representation of speakers and inclusive interactions. This fostered a safe and collaborative environment, enhancing the overall quality and depth of discussions on various topics.”
Yingjia Chen
“Overall, the workshop fostered a spirit of collaboration and promoted inclusivity within the scientific community.”
Andrea Kakouri
Ensuring gender balance in scientific events is crucial for fostering a dynamic and inclusive research environment. The diverse perspectives resulting from gender balance enhance discussions, promoting innovative approaches to scientific challenges. Equitable opportunities prevent biases, inspiring aspiring scientists and creating a fair community. Gender balance minimizes stereotypes, contributing to unbiased research and effective decision-making in diverse teams. This inclusivity fosters collaboration and a positive organizational culture. In the globalized realm of science, gender balance ensures research is not only rigorous but also relevant to the diverse global population, emphasizing the importance of diversity, innovation, and inclusivity in shaping the scientific community.