PerMedCoE experts at 2021 Virtual PhysiCell Workshop and Hackathon

From 25 to 31 July 2021 our PerMedCoE experts participated at the 2021 Virtual PhysiCell Workshop and Hackathon. On 28 July 2021 in the afternoon, BSC’s researcher Arnau Montagud gave a special session titled “PhysiBoSS enables multiscale simulations of signalling pathways” presenting the features of PhysiBoSS, the first official PhysiCell plug-in, which supports Boolean signalling models (via MaBoSS) in PhysiCell agents. MaBoSS, PhysiBoSS and PhysiCell are part of PerMedCoE’s core tools and will be used in its use cases.

In addition, the junior BSC engineer Thaleia Ntiniakou also participated actively at the hackathon. It is important to highlight that she was part of team that implemented a first Python binding of PhysiCell that is still under development.
