PerMedCoE was presented at DMCM2020

PerMedCoE was presented at DMCM2020

PerMedCoE featured in the poster “PhysiBoSS-COVID: the Boolean modelling of COVID-19 signalling pathways in a multicellular simulation framework allows for the uncovering of mechanistic insights”, which was presented virtually by Vincent Noël (Institute Curie) at...
PerMedCoE was presented at DMCM2020

Systems Medicine Disease Maps conference (DMCM2020)

PerMedCoE featured in the poster presentation “PhysiBoSS-COVID: the Boolean modelling of COVID-19 signalling pathways in a multicellular simulation framework allows for the uncovering of mechanistic insights” presented virtually at DMCM2020 on 12 November 2020.  ...